Thursday, January 19, 2006

Your Privacy is Being Threatened!!! And so is Your Porn!!!

Well, it looks like good ol' George W. Dumbass is at it again. (Let me just say, to anybody that is a fan of Bush or a Republican, something may be very wrong with you). Now that I've alienated half of my reader base, let me continue. The bush administration is trying to revive the Child Internet Protection law that would make it illegal to make pornographic materials availible to minors. They are making a case to the Supreme Court (Of Pennsylvainya?) to try and enact the law which was struck down in 2004. To do this, they have issued a subpoena to Google for a million random web address and a weeks worth of user search data. But Google is not giving in (thank god!)

The article does say that some other search engines have complied with the subpoena (if you use Yahoo! watch out), but Google knows that it will kill thier public image, if they give in.

As for me, I'm against the law all together, not just the subpoena. I don't know how I would have gotten through grade and high school if it weren't for freely accesible internet porn. (Have I said too much?) I'm not really proud of it, but everybody (every guy at least) goes through that phase at and after puberty when they discover their first really fun hobby. I also don't think that pornagraphy is harmful to children, even young ones. Now, don't get me wrong, I am absolutely against child porn. That's not what I'm talking about here. I don't think that if a kid sees a naked woman, or even a sex act, that it's going to scar them for life. It's a part of life. And I think shielding kids from this stuff for too long actually can be harmful. After all, everyone knew that one person in college, that had been shielded from everything her entire life, and went completely nuts as soon as she was away from home. (I didn't mean that that only applies to women, but the person I knew that was like that happened to be a she.)

Anyway, I've been rambling enough, and got totally off topic. to sum up
Google = good - fighting the good fight for privacy
Bush & Co. = bad - bunch of douchebags (can I say that on the internet, oh wait, I can!)
Adult Porn for kids = good - helps them understand how the world works and why we are here, and gives teenage boys something to do when thier parents aren't home
Child Porn for adults = bad - just really fucked up on so many levels

That's all for today
I think after this article, my counter might actually go down, but who knows. Hopefully the people that read this have at least a mild sense of humor.

Quote of the day -
"In Volotile market, only solid investment is... PORN!!!"
-The moster upstairs in Avenue Q


Anonymous said...

spoken like a true liberal.

G said...

And proud of it!

Anonymous said...

We have a responsibility to our society to protect our children. Where there is a 'will' there is a 'way'. These laws will never protect our kids from seeing porn 100%, but they do two things.

1) They send a message to society that pornography is not acceptable and is not a NORMAL part of our everyday PUBLIC life. (what people choose to do behind closed doors is a different story). Protection of rights means protecting those who choose NOT to participate in an activity (Come on, Ya'll liberals know that! All you ever bitch about is minority rights!!)

2) This law limits the amount of porn viewing by minors. Just because pot is illegal doesn't mean NOBODY does it, but it sure as hell cuts down on the negative affects on society (less car accidents, higher productivity rates at work, better judgment, etc). This law will never stop kids from looking at porn, but it will limit their ability to do so. That is a step in the right direction.

If you think that porn is good for society then you're out of your mind. Many people enjoy it yes, but do you respect a person (male or female) who displays their most private possessions (other than their mind) to the world? There is no respect in porn!!! Porn is simply 5 minutes of fame and your reputation and career washed down the tiolet. We cant let our children think that porn is OK, if they do then they'll be sleeping with everything that moves (on and off the set).

This is the root of our problems in society. Nobody respects THEMSELVES. When you dont respect yourself, you dont respect other people, and society crumbles. I wish we had an island where i'd put all those idiots!

The End.

Anonymous said...

I think that all Republicans and people that say "ya'll" should move to Siberia. Oh, and Geoff should move there as well.

G said...

Wow! I don't even know where to start. , but I'll give it a shot.

1) I think you are a little confused here. Are you saying that sex is not a normal part of life? Sex is life. Without it, none of us would be here. And what's with protecting people from images. Does seeing a picture of a man and a woman (and a horse?) having sex damage a child? Also, it's the freakin internet. YOU CAN'T CENSURE THE INTERNET! If you don't want your kid looking at porn, block it with your own computer. Don't ruin it for all the other teenagers out there. And also, are you saying that minorities shouldn't have rights? That statement worried me a bit.

2) This law will be censuring the internet. And if I'm not mistaken, we still live in the United States of Freakin America Here. We have the first amendment! People are allowed to speak thier minds and expose thier bodies.

Basically what this boils down to is making something illegal because it offends someone else. And no matter which way you slice it, that's fucked up. That's the whole reason we have that freakin ammendment. So that you can't be censured just because someone doesn't agree with you. Being offended by something is hazardous to your health, it doesn't hurt you or kill you. So why the fuck should it be illegal?

Lastly, I'm not necesarily saying that porn is good for society (even if it isn't, it still shouldn't be illegal). I'm saying that SEX IS A NATURAL PART OF SOCIETY!! Everybody knows about it, everybody does it, so why the fuck is it offensive at all? Why should it be hidden in your sock drawer next to a box of tissues?

The root of the problem is not that nobody respects themselves, it's that too many people think that if something feels good, then it must be bad. SEX IS NOT A SIN!!! THE HUMAN BODY IS NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF!!! WE ALL HAVE EITHER PENISES OR VAGINAS!!! And a few have both!

We are all human beings. We all have sex, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. And guess what, it's not going anywhere. People are gonna keep doing it untill the end of time. Nothing will stop us.

Anonymous said...

I guess we'll start from the top.

1) Sex IS a natural part of life. Sex with a HORSE is NOT. Sex at the age of 10 is NOT. Having sex with hundreds of partners for money (or promoting the fact, ie porn) is a not only NORMAL for our society, but it is DANGEROUS. When children at a young age see porn, in their mind it means that it is an ok act to committ at any age. Do you want your 10 year old son having sex? I sure as hell dont want mine!!

HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases are a HUGE epidemic on this planet, and while porn does not go out and MAKE people have sex with lots of people, it does promote it. We can argue until we're blue in the face about how it is all based on good judgement and this and that. The fact of the matter is that most of the people in this country were not raised with the proper judgement (or education) that they need to make decisions that are good for themselves and good for society all the time. One person can make one decision that can affect thousands of people.

2) We do live in the United States, but the 1st Ammendment does not apply to things that harm society. You are not allowed to curse or show nudity because it harms or insults the people around you. Under your beliefs you should be able to say 'bomb' on a plane. The 1st Ammendment protects YOUR AND OTHERS rights to free speach. It also protects other peoples rights to not be exposed if they dont choose to.

3.It doesn't matter to me what people do behind closed doors. Doing things that FEEL good is not wrong, but exposing that sort of thing (porn)to children who have an infulential mind is not ethically OR morally right (and now that you throw in sex with a horse, i want to emphasis the point even FURTHER).

4. we'll end this post with this (b/c im not coming back to respond) Porn is legal, i dont mind if it stays that way. But put it on the top shelf where kids cant get a hold of it. We dont allow our children to play with guns because they are dangerous. Porn at a young age sends the wrong message to kids. If you want porn, you have a credit card to get it (along with proof of age), PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

it makes me uncomfortable that you discuss these things when my parents frequent your site. and if you don't know who this is, you are just plain dumb!