Friday, December 09, 2005

Crazy Christmas Light Show

OK, I've heard of decorating your house in christmas lights, but this is rediculous. Apperently this guy spent $10k to trick out his house in christmas lights + 1 peace sign, that were all connected up to his computer and synced to music that was broadcasted out over an FM radio station. Click the link and check out the show. Or watch it directly from here (wmv). It's way out of control. This guy is an electrical engineer, so don't try this at home. The show got shut down due to a minor car crash near by which is too bad. I wouldn't mind seeing this in person myself, that is, of course, if I could get over my horrible fear of suburbs. :)


Anonymous said...

Not sure if you will get this correctly or not, but the light show was great! Where else can you put to use an industrial PLC to use at home, except for maybe controlling your HVAC remotely. I only saw about 1 minute of the video, but it reminded me so much about the displays we did in school at homecoming. Ironically I was never invited to work on the displays. I was recruited to be in the grease working on the "Wreck" Intersting
Enjoy the blog.

Anonymous said...

absolutley amazing...i can't imagine how that would cause anything like rubbernecking that might lead to a crash though...not the least bit distracting.

Anonymous said...


Nice work on your blog. I showed off the Xmas light extravaganza at work and people really got a charge.

I understand your boredom. When my daughter visits, the entire family feels the same.