Friday, December 09, 2005

Plea Rejected - High School Boys Forced to Resort to Masturbation, Again!

This one goes out to Florida. The state with the best school system in the country, as far as I'm concerned. Debra Lafave, the FL teacher accused of having sex with her 14 year old student in the back of an SUV while the boy's 15 year old cousin was driving, has had her plea bargain rejected. The plea would have kept this woman out of jail and resulted in 3 years of house arrest and 7 years of probation.

Now some people are calling what she did a crime. Well most people. Well pretty much everybody over the age of 18. But this woman is every little boy's wet dream. I think that most people will agree with me saying that there is no way this woman had to force herself onto that kid. Can I ask a question here? Where the hell were all these teachers when I was in High School? She wouldn've been way better than the bald guy I had for Sex Ed. Plus everybody always wants a more hands-on learning experience.

Ok, Ok, I know I'm gonna get pure hell for this post, probably from everybody. But I just couldn't help myself, it's entirely too funny a situation. So for the sake of my readers (1 in particular) I would like to point out that I am not, could not, and never have been attracted to this woman. She is completely hideous in comparison to my wonderful and beautiful girlfriend.

Enjoy, my faithful bloggerinoes, and don't forget to post! But please keep the hate-mail to a minimum.


Anonymous said...

If Ms. LaFave had been Mr. LaFave she would be doing serious jail time, not a slap on the wrist probation. The double standard is pathethic. Ms. LaFave knowingly committed a crime. The issue is not the dream come true of her under age companion but the reality of an adult having sex with a very young teenager. She was married and had a lawful outlet for her desires. To choose a teenage boy and one of her students shows a callous disregard for societal norms, work place rules and the Florida penal code. She deserves a more serious sentence and I hope the Judge prevails. I understand you are looking at this from the boy student's perspective (a perspective no doubt shared by most teenage boys) but us adults look at it from an entirley different perspective.

G said...

Yes I was looking at it from a Boy's perspective. And yes there is definitely a double standard that exists, but I'm not sure it is entirely unfounded. There is the fact that forcing oneself on a male (young or old) can be more difficult, and in some cases immpossible. Basically what I'm saying is that if the male is not willing, nothing is gonna happen *wink wink*. As a matter of fact, in New York State, Statutory Rape only exists, if the older party is a male. (If this is not still the case, then it was until recently). So, in essence, yes Ms. LaFave commited a crime (in FL) but the boy had to consent, or at least had to be into the whole thing, to make it at all possible. That's really my point. Didn't the school find out because he was bragging to his friends? I'm not so sure that a double standard isn't warranted in a case like this.

Anonymous said...

Your assuming girls don't consent when the adult is a male. Your argument is based on consent. When sex is between a minor and and adult the issue is not consent but what is proper for a functioning society. I don't want to send my child to school, boy or girl, and think that one of their teachers is after them for sex. Consent to a large degree is based on maturity and the ability to make good decisionns. Minors, due to immaturity and lack of experience, will not be able to make the decision to consent in the same context that an adult can. Bottom line, teachers should not be having sex with their students, consent or no consent.

Anonymous said...

I'll make it short. If you are under the age of 18 you are a minor. A minor, in the eyes of the law has NO decision making powers or ability. Legally, even if/though this boy did consent, he couldn't have. Im no attorney but i feel fairly confident that they will get her for this one. This lady should spend a LOONNNG time in jail, PERIOD.